A short film about the benefits of moon travel for those on earth.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

we've found our houses

in a street in Albuquerque that you could swear is Ohio. Or the east, anyway. The next challenge is getting the day when all the crew and the two house owners can do it. We're aiming for a date within the next two weeks. Stay tuned.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Raffle & Silent Auction

Over $2000 of gift certificates in Taos to be won in the raffle! And silent auction items include a $500 Golden Pass to KTAO Solar Center, being a sidekick on Breakfast with Nancy, painting by Paul Pascarella and "Lunar Heart" pendant by Slim Barrett, and much more. Check it all out at www.raffle.goodluckmrgorski.com. Drawing and auction closing is August 27, party at Red Cat Antiques on Dona Luz St, 5-8 pm. Please come if you're in Taos.